Survivor of traumatic event at age 23 resulting in the amputation of his left arm. Henry has used his resilience to show how facing adversity is possible. Building on ones resilience is the key to bouncing back from set backs and challenges which are inevitable in life. 

"Never waste a good crisis"

Speaking Enquiries CONTACT 

Life in my own hand | Motivational Speaker | Henry Dunn

Welcome! I'm Henry, here at "Life In My Own Hand" we explore ways to build on our resilience, positivity and discipline, through interactive seminars and classes to facilitate self development.  

After becoming an upper limb amputee at age 23, I was left to take control of my life into my own hand! 

This platform will share my methods on how to tackle adversity, grow from challenges and improve mental resilience. 

Dr Rhodri D Phillip OBE - Consultant Physician 

For such a young man, so soon after injury, and in front of such an audience I thought he was excellent. I would recommend him to any organisation looking to engage a speaker who can talk about overcoming adversity and taking a practical approach to rebuilding their life. 

The Production of mood - A short film highlighting the importance of cold water therapy on my mental recovery since the amputation of my left arm just 16 months ago. 

Cold water has been a key part in my recovery which has targeted my mental recovery by helping manage all the negatives I associate with my trauma. 

Don't underestimate the impact of cold water exposure on ones mental and physical health! 

Life without limits Podcast with Ant Bryant: 

Outback set back to CrossFit come back:

